Rose and Carnation Memorial by OakRidge™
- Description
- Vibrant red roses and white carnations represent love—making this Rose and Carnation Memorial arrangement a fitting memorial to a loved one who's always close at heart. Our full bouquet of cemetery memorial flowers is bursting with lifelike detail. It features 7 lush roses, 6 gorgeous white carnations and lush, lifelike greens, all nestled in a durable vase with ground stake. Polyester, plastic, wire. Approx. 12" dia. x 13" high from top of vase. Vase is 6 1/2" High with 3" stake. By OakRidge™.
- Features
- Memorable Memorial – Vibrant red roses and white carnations represent love, making this faux floral arrangement a fitting memorial to a loved one who’s always close at heart
- Artfully Crafted – Full floral bouquet is bursting with lifelike detail, featuring 7 vibrant red roses, 6 brilliant white carnations and lush, textured greens, all nestled in a durable vase with ground stake
- Indoor/Outdoor – Durable construction with a delicate appearance, these faux florals are ideal for displaying both indoors and out
- Hassle Free – Enjoy the long-lasting beauty of these artificial flowers without having to worry about sunlight, watering, pruning or other maintenance
- Product Details – Thoughtfully crafted of polyester, plastic and wire, approximately 12 inches diameter x 13 inches high from top of vase, vase measures 6 ½ inches high with 3 inch ground stake
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