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  1. 376509

  2. Cotton Hanging Towel - Solid-354569 Cotton Hanging Towel - Solid-354569
    6 Options Available

  3. 350528

  4. Cotton Hanging Towels - Checked-354570 Cotton Hanging Towels - Checked-354570
    6 Options Available

  5. 356938

  6. 376760

  7. Personalized Monogram Wreath Towel by Home Marketplace-376605 Personalized Monogram Wreath Towel by Home Marketplace-376605
    11 Options Available

    $19.99 $14.99
  8. Personalized Chef Apron By Sawyer Creek Studio™​-311015 Personalized Chef Apron By Sawyer Creek Studio™​-311015
    6 Options Available

  9. 374619

    $9.99 $2.62
  10. 374199

    $24.99 $8.62
  11. 374200

    $24.99 $8.62

Kitchen Towels and Aprons

The kitchen is the heart of the home, so make it welcoming, comfortable and personalize it with our selection of custom kitchen towels, personalized aprons, towel sets and linens. Miles Kimball has a super selection of practical and purposeful kitchen towels and aprons that are great to buy for yourself — or to purchase as a gracious gift. Weddings, housewarmings, holidays and special events are all times when our customized kitchen towels and personalized aprons would be appreciated.

Custom Kitchen Towels

Since 1935, Miles Kimball has been America’s source for affordable and unique finds for the home and kitchen — as well as personalized gifts for friends and family. Our custom kitchen towels, kitchen cloths, aprons and placemats are available in a wide range of styles, preferences and colors. We have a kitchen towel for every preference or kitchen linen need — choose between hanging towels, flour sack towels and classic 100% cotton lint-free dish towel sets. Stock up on our high-quality kitchen towels, custom kitchen towels and dishcloths and enjoy our easy-to-care-for products.

Protective Personalized Aprons

Need a great gift for someone who loves to cook? Need a unique gift for someone who is finishing culinary school? Be sure to check out our personalized aprons in several different styles. From personalized chef aprons and personalized chef jackets to charming cobbler aprons, there’s something for every cook at Miles Kimball.

Kitchen Linens and More

Our customized kitchen towels, custom aprons and other kitchen linen products are available at affordable prices. We have great products for sale that are exclusive to Miles Kimball. Clean up spills in no time at all and protect your clothing in style. We constantly add inventory to our website, so check back frequently to see what’s new. While you’re visiting, be sure to see our newest special offers and not-to-miss promotions, as well as our Miles Kimball sale section for great deals and special savings. There’s something for everyone here in our custom kitchen towels, aprons and linens nook at Miles Kimball.

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